Written on Dr. S.P. Singh Oberoi’s life is dedicated to people
Chairman and Managing Trustee Sarbat Da Bhala Charitable Trust Dr. S.P. Singh Oberoi’s life Achievements and about humanitarian services, The book ‘Savior Singh’ written by Sarabjit Singh Chhina. Meanwhile various speakers discussed about this book in this ceremony. In this ceremony Dr. S.P. Singh Oberoi also shared his Memories. The Ceremony was Chaired by Dr. Karamjit Singh vice chancellor (Jagat Guru Nanak Dev Punjab State Open University, Patiala) Dr. Sarbjit Singh Chhinna said that we have also Published this Book in English so that the people of about 200 Countries can read it and learn about S.P. Singh Oberoi’s Personality. On this occasion Dr. Sarbjinder Singh said that this is Database Biography.