Under the Widow Pension Scheme of Sarbat Da Bhala Charitable Trust Monthly Pensions Distributed to Window ladies at Sunny Oberoi Vivek Sadan : Advance Institute of Social Sciences Sri Anandpur Sahib.
Dr.Sondeep Monga& Staff Celebrating Green Diwali with Students of Vocatoinal Center at Sunny Oberoi Vivek Sadan : Advance Institute of Social Sciences Sri Anandpur Sahib.
Under the able guidance of our worthy Managing Trustee Dr S.P Singh Oberoi ji Director Education Mrs Inderjeet Kaur Gill g Inaugurated two centers Sunny Oberoi Stenography and Typing center and Sunny Oberoi Music center in campus of Sunny Oberoi Vivek Sadan : Advance Institute of Social Sciences Sri Anandpur Sahib along with Dr. Daljeet Singh g Director Health and S Inderjit Singh g, Dr. Sondeep Monga and staff.
Under the able guidance of our worthy Managing Trustee Dr S.P Singh Oberoi ji Ration kits are distributed to Pathi Singhs of Sri Anandpur Sahib at Sunny Oberoi Vivek Sadan Adavnce Institute of Social Science Sri Anandpur Sahib in presence of Representive from Punj Piara Sahiban of Takhat Sri Kesgarh Sahib s Harjeet Singh ji S Jaswinder pal Singh ji from Sikh missionary college and staff of Institute
Under the able guidance of our worthy Managing Trustee Dr. S.P Singh Oberoi ji Ration kits are distributed to deprived families of Sri Anandpur Sahib and adjoining villages who have unable to earn their liveihood during Covid Pandemic
Purchasing Books for library of Sunny Oberoi Vivek Sadan : Advance Institute of Social Sciences Sri Anandpur Sahib at Book Fair by National Book Trust of India at Punjab University.